15% Detergent
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For manual dish washing and glass washing dilute 1:250 - 1:500
For damp wiping dilute 1:150 For general detergent cleaning dilute 1:150 For sponge cleaning vehicles dilute 1:150.
- Composition: An aqueous blend of anionic, nonionic and amphoteric surfactants with viscosity modifiers, preservatives and dye.
- Appearance: Clear liquid
- Colour: Green
- Viscosity: 500 centistokes approx
- Cloud Point: Below 2°C
- Density: 1.025
- pH: 4.5 - 6.0
- Activity: 15%
- Fragrance: Odourless
- Stability: 2 Years stored in unopened containers in ambient temperatures.
- Biodegradability: meets the requirements of the EU Detergent Directive 2005 – 2004/648/EC.
- Flashpoint: >100°C
Product is for professional use only.